Let your gift go before you

Let your gift go before you

"So his gifts went before him while he settled down for the night in the camp." (Gen.32.21) 

The wise King Solomon tells us that a man's gift makes room for him. Every single one of us is born with a gift, not a skill but a gift. That is something you are good at. 

"A man 's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men." (Prov.18.14 AMP)

The world however is full of gifted but broke people. A gift, otherwise known as a talent is not enough. Your gift opens the door for you and introduces you to great men but what you do with your gift afterwsrds determine whether you will stay there or not. 

Joseph, a gifted interpreter of dreams, did not just interpret dreams, he added the solution. In other words, he turned his gift into a skill for which he could be paid. That is, something helpful to other people. Your gift facilitate you but your skill facilities others. Your gift helps you but your skill helps others. Your gift solves your problems but your skill solves problems for others. Joseph used his gift for free, interpreting dreams for the Baker and the Butler and thus horning his gift into a skill. It's okay to start off for free and thereby developing and mastering your skills. 

Jacob's gift went before him. Let your gift go before you and open doors for you but don't stop at the door. Turn your gift to skills and you will stand before Kings, for they will come to the brightness of your rising. 

"And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. (Isa.60.3 KJV)

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
Emmanuel Okoro 
(aka Mr. Lift)


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