The difficult route

The difficult route 

"In Egypt the Midianites sold Joseph to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh's officials, manager of his household affairs. [Gen.37.36]

God does not always lead us in a straight, easy-going, trouble free route to the place of our destinies. He sometimes takes us through the difficult route. 

Case in point, would it not have easier to deliver the three Hebrew boys, was it necessary to let go through the fire? What about Daniel, what was the point of the lion's den or couldn't Jesus have died a normal death, did he have to be shamed, go through the pain and the cross? 

God did not lead Israel from the slavery of Egypt through the easy route. 

"It so happened that after Pharaoh released the people, God didn't lead them by the road through the land of the Philistines, which was the shortest route, for God thought, "If the people encounter war, they'll change their minds and go back to Egypt." (Exod.13.17) 

Could Joseph have become the Prime Minister of Egypt without going through all that he went through? God could have done that but that is not His style. Joseph would have been a fraud. God took him through the process, difficult as it may seem but God got him where He wanted him. He thrown was in a pit, sold by his brothers into slavery, falsely accused, sent to prison, and then finally to the palace. Yours won't be any different, unique but you will have to go through your process, the route may be difficult but you will get there. Trust God, trust the process. 

Good day,
Have a great day today,
Emmanuel Okoro,
(aka Mr. Lift)


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