Take care of your own

Take care of your own

"Joseph took good care of them--his father and brothers and all his father's family, right down to the smallest baby. He made sure they had plenty of everything. [JC](Gen.47.12) 

Joseph must have been a wealthy man. The Bible says he took care of them. That is, his father, and brothers and all his father's family, right down to the smallest baby. When the Bible talks about Jacob and his sons, you would think, they were some young men who were incapable of fending for themselves. But these were fathers, even granfathers but Joseph took care of them aal. 

It is true that God was involved in that He had shown Joseph the interpretation to Pharaoh's dream and this gave him an advantage but he could have used this advantage to torture his brothers, who were responsible for the pain he went through. But He had God's perspective on the matter. He understood God's plan, knowing that God had sent him ahead to reverse life. 

You may be in a position to take care of your own, please do not hesitate. God put you there for a reason. The Bible says if a man does not provide for family, especially those of his household, he is worse than an infidel. 

"Anyone who neglects to care for family members in need repudiates the faith. That's worse than refusing to believe in the first place." (1Tim.5.8) 

God blessed you to be a blessing. If God can trust you with it, it is because He trust to get it through you. This season is an especially good time to show love and care to those around you. Take care of your own. 

Good day,
Have a great day today,
Emmanuel Okoro,
(aka Mr. Lift) 


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