
Showing posts from September, 2024

Marry your tribe

Marry your tribe  "Swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not let my son marry one of these local Canaanite women. Gen.24.4 Go instead to my homeland, to my relatives, and find a wife there for my son Isaac." (Gen.24.3 NLT) It is best practices to marry from one's tribe. And by tribe we mean one who speaks same language, has similar values as you. A tribe is a collective of like minded individuals irrespective of place, location or origin. Their bond is their values. The Bible talks about being of one mind. It is only those who are of one mind that speak same language and are therefore of one tribe. It matters not whether one is Igbo and the other Yoruba, English or German, as long as they are of one language , one mind, they are of one tribe. So Abraham sent his servant to marry a wife for his son Isaac, from his relatives.  The daughters of Zelophehad comes to mind. Their father had died having only daughters and for his inheritance to not pass to...

I am blessed in all things

Blessed in all things "Now Abraham was old, well advanced in years, and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things." (Gen.24.1 AMP) If you look around and you are honest you will find a reason to praise the Lord. But this was not the story of Abraham as we can see from this verse of scripture. The verse says that the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things. In all things the Lord had blessed Abraham. The truth be told, the Lord has also blessed you in all things. I will show you in the scripture.  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ" (Eph.1.3 KJV) Like Abraham, the Lord has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. And like Abraham we are to bring that blessing from the heavenly places to our lives through faith. We know that Abraham is a man of faith, so it is safe to say he exercised his faith. We too must exercise our faith and experience...

Your mourning days are over

Your mourning days are over "Then Abraham got up from mourning his dead wife and spoke to the Hittites:"(Gen.23.3)  It is said that every person dies twice, once when they stopped breathing and when no one alive remembers them anymore. Sarah had married and lived with Abraham for about 65 years and when she died, the Bible says that "Abraham mourned for Sarah and swept" (Gen.23.2)  It is okay to mourn and weep when we loose our loved ones but the New Testament instructs us to not weep like those who have no hope.  "Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. (1Thess.4.13 NIV) Abraham however got up from his mourning and weeping. Mourning keeps us down, and makes us inactive. The Bible says "Abraham got up from mourning his dead wife". Your mourning days are over, it is time to get up. God says He will wipe the tears away from your eyes. Pain cannot be wished away but we ...

Because you have obeyed me

Because you have obeyed me  "All nations on Earth will find themselves blessed through your descendants because you obeyed me." (Gen.22.18)  The walk of faith is truly a walk in and of obedience. What is the worth of your faith if it is not anchored on obedience. But God is not unmindful. He rewards obedience. He said to Abraham, "because you have obeyed  me, all nations of the earth will be blessed through you. That tells us that there are benefits for obeying  I am reminded of another passage of scripture where God tells us that He will deliver us because we have set our love on Him and He will set us on high because we have known His name. Understanding why He is doing these things. Because if we understand why, we can repeat these actions and get same results.  "Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. (Ps.91.14 KJV) Abraham obeyed and because of that obedience G...

Fearlessly feared God

Fearlessly feared God  "Abraham reached out and took the knife to kill his son. Just then an angel of GOD called to him out of Heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!Yes, I'm listening. "Don't lay a hand on that boy! Don't touch him! Now I know how fearlessly you fear God; you didn't hesitate to place your son, your dear son, on the altar for me." (Gen.22.10-12)  What one is willing to give up or put up with is a prove of how much one loves. Abraham's faith was proven and his obedience was not left out. God wanted to see how far Abraham was willing to go for him. Sometimes, it is not the act that God is after, but the willing, should it come to that.  Once God saw that Abraham was willing to sacrifice his dear son Isaac, He knew Abraham had passed the obedience test.   What are you willing to give up for God? Abraham's obedience was rooted in his fear of God. Little wonder the text says Abraham fearlessly feared God. In other word, he held nothing higher ...

The two of them went off together

The two of them went off together    "Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and gave it to Isaac his son to carry. He carried the flint and the knife. The two of them went off together."(Gen.22.6) There is a dearth of fathers in our world today. Fathers are not only biological but they are compasses that guide one generation and help them navigate the terrine in destiny fulfillment. Where are the fathers?  Abraham is painted as truly patriarchal. Even before his promised seed was born, God attested that he knows Abraham will guide his family to obey obey God (see Gen:18.19) He raised an army of warriors from the men that serves in home. (see Gen.14.14) In our text we see Abraham taking his son along to the place of sacrifice as God as commanded. The two of them went together. Fathers teach your children. Father, and indeed parents, train your children to pray, to study the Bible, teach them whatever it is that will help them fulfill their God given destiny. The two...

God will see to it

God will see to it "Abraham said, "Son, God will see to it that  a sheep for the burnt offering." And they kept on walking together." Faith is trusting God will see to it that what He said will come to pass. God will see to it that your questions are answered, your problems are solved, your body is healed, your mind is restored and you spirit is saved. All you have to do is believe.  Abraham has been instructed by God to sacrifice his son Isaac and as they approach the place of sacrifice, Isaac asked a pertinent question  "And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? (Gen.22.7 KJV) This is pertinent because without the lamb there would be no sacrifice. Where is the lamb? And Abraham his father answered and said God will see to it. Meaning everything that is left God will see to it, whatever is deficient, God will make it up, wh...

I believe God...

I believe God...  "Abraham told his two young servants, "Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I are going over there to worship; then we'll come back to you." (Gen.22.5)  In life, we pass or fail, succeed or otherwise before the test begins. This has to do with our attitude toward God. It show whether or not we trust God enough even before the test comes.  Abraham had been instructed to sacrifice his son Isaac but before now God had also told him that it was through the same Isaac that his descendants will come  "But God spoke to Abraham, "Don't feel badly about the boy and your maid. Do whatever Sarah tells you. Your descendants will come through Isaac." (Gen.21.12)  So Abraham believed God to the point that even If he sacrificed Isaac, God will somehow raise him back up and produce his descendants through him. So he says to the two young servants with him, "Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I are going over there to worship; then we...

He set out for the place God had directed him.

He set out for the place God had directed him. "Abraham got up early in the morning and saddled his donkey. He took two of his young servants and his son Isaac. He had split wood for the burnt offering. He set out for the place God had directed him." (Gen.22.3)  We may take the last sentence in this verse for granted until you come across the millions upon millions of people who do not heed God's directives day after day. Simple directive that could change lives are ignored on daily basis. Imagine how further along your life will be right now if you had obeyed every single directive given to you by God. And this was not one directive that was going to easy to carry out but characteristically Abraham, he did not hesitate.  The Bible contains God's directives to us, the easy, not so easy and the seeming difficult ones but if like Abraham we set out to obey them, our lives will be better for it. The Bible says that Daniel purposed in his heart. We need a heart purposed t...

Sacrifice your Isaac

Sacrifice your Isaac  "He said, "Take your dear son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I'll point out to you." (Gen.22.2) Isaac represents the things we desire so dearly, that thing that you would be willing to give up everything in order to achieve it. Your Isaac could be God's promise to you in the past that has been come your reality today. God is asking, would you love the gift more than you love the Giver of the gift, would you love My present more than My presence?  God said to the children of Israel as they came out of Egypt and entered the promise land to not say their own hands have given them the victory and that they  remember God.  "Make sure that when you eat and are satisfied, build pleasant houses and settle in, see your herds and flocks flourish and more and more money come in, watch your standard of living going up and up-- make sure you don't become so f...

God tested Abraham's faith and obedience

God tested Abraham's faith and obedience  "Later on God tested Abraham's faith and obedience. "Abraham!" God called. "Yes," he replied. "Here I am." (Gen.22.1.NLT) Abraham is so associated with faith he is called the father of faith. And he did not get there without being tested. His faith was tested repeatedly. It was not only his faith that was tested but his obedience also.  Our text say God tested Abraham's faith and obedience. We talk so much about his faith that little is said about his obedience. When we say tested, we do not mean tempted but to prove something. Abraham's faith and obedience were proven over and over again.  His faith, as it relates to his unweaving trust in God to do what God says God was going to do. If God said it Abraham believed it and that settled it for him. The Apostle Paul reminds us that Abraham did not stagger at the promises of God. (see Rom:4:20) He judged God faithful, the same Who will perform it....


Confrontations "At the same time, Abraham confronted Abimelech over the matter of a well of water that Abimelech's servants had taken."(Gen.21. 25) Confrontations do not come easily to everyone but it is what is some times needed to overcome certain setbacks. It is said you can not overcome what you are not willing to confront. Whether you are confronting personal issues or confronting others, be willing to take it head-on. Unwillingness to confront issues result in festering which may lead to what the Bible refers to as "the root of bitterness." You must be will to confront issue, whatever they my be. Our text say Abraham confronted Abimelech regard the matter of a well of water that Abimelech's servants had taken from Abraham. But Abimelech denied knowledge of the issue. Abraham, willing to resolve the issue, did not stop there, he showed his willingness by offering Abimelech seven sheep.  "Abraham set aside seven sheep from his flock. Abimelech said,...

May God open your eyes.

May God open your eyes "Just then God opened her eyes. She looked. She saw a well of water. She went to it and filled her canteen and gave the boy a long, cool drink. (Gen. 21.19 MSB) It is amazing the countless opportunities we do not take advantage of because we are not looking for them. Some times, it is because we do not know enough to see the opportunities in and around us. Yet, other times, it is just that we are blinded to these opportunities. May God open your eyes.  Hagar had wandered aimlessly and squandered the resources she needed to get from where she was to where she ought to be. Just like some of us, wasting our scarce resource on ventures with no eternal verities. We pass over opportunities repeatedly because we do not see the possibilities therein.  Hagar and her son was left for dead until God opened her eyes to see what was there all the while. God opened her eyes and she saw the well of water that has been there all the while but she did not see it and was ...

Aimless wanderings

Aimless wanderings  "So Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and gave them to Hagar, putting them on her shoulders, and he sent her and the youth away. And she wandered on [aimlessly] and lost her way in the wilderness of Beersheba. (Gen.20.14 AMP) The one thing amongst others that we see consistent in the life of Abraham is the alacrity with which he obeys God. Once he hears from God, he does not dilly dally, he is quick to obey.  Case in point, God tells him to circumcise every male in his home, they were promptly circumcised. God tells him to sacrifice Isaac, he does not debate the matter with God, he was forthright. And in our text, God tells him to send the child and mother away, yet again, he does not hesitate.  God help me to be quick to obey you as I ought.  Few things we learn from our text: Quick response:  Abraham responded swiftly to God's instructions. Once he ascertains it, he does not hold back. Do you hold back?...

He is your son

He is your son "Regarding your maid's son, be assured that I'll also develop a great nation from him--he's your son too." (Gen. 21.13)  As I write this, my heart goes out to all of the children born out of wedlock. Society needs to pay a bit more attention to those incorrectly tagged illegitimate children. But there is really nothing illegitimate about those children, if anything, we have illegitimate parents.  Our text tells the story of a child born out of wedlock. A child by Abraham and Hagar, the maid of Sarah. God says to Abraham "he is your son". And that says a lot. If he is your son and he is, that means you have to take responsibility for him. See to his needs and do what a father is supposed to do for his child. As your son, he needs to be provided for, protected, prayed for etc.  He is your son. The son did not asked to be brought into this world, but irrespective of that, God has a plan for him. God says that He is s going to develop a great ...

Husband listen to your wife

Husbands listen to your wife "But God spoke to Abraham, "Don't feel badly about the boy and your maid. Do whatever Sarah tells you. Your descendants will come through Isaac." (Gen. 21.12)  The proverbs of Solomon asked a very pertinent question and I want you to ponder as a man and reflect on as a woman.  "An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels." (Proverbs 31:10)  This is pertinent because God asked Abraham to listen to his wife. This is counter-culture where women are meant to be seen but not heard. God says to him, "Do whatever Sarah tells you." Most marital problems would have been resolved if only men learn to listen to their wives. Wives are meant to help their husbands. The number one reason God proposed marriage to Adam in the garden of Eden - is so that Eve can be a help meet but how can they help if they are not heard?  That is why in the opening paragraph I admonish women to reflect on the proverb of Solomon...

Set time

Set time "Sarah became pregnant and gave Abraham a son in his old age, and at the very time God had set." (Gen. 21.2)  God points times and seasons and for these times and seasons, God assigns purpose. Little wonder the preacher tells us that to everything there is a time and  season to every purpose.  "There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven." (Eccl. 3.1 NLT) Set times can be changed by the will of man, you cannot pray it away but can cause it to be delayed. The pregnancy is a good example. It usually set at nine months period but certain happenstance can either cause a delay or premature delivery. And when that happen, that pregnancy can be truncated.  Gift sets and skill sets alone do not deliver set time. God alone determines the set times of our lives but when we cooperate with him, it makes it easier for us. Israel had been in captivity and were told they'll be there for 400 years and about that time they began to pray coor...

God will visit you

God will visit you  "GOD visited Sarah exactly as he said he would; GOD did to Sarah what he promised." (Gen. 21,1)  It appears every time we pray for others, God visits with us. Reminding us of the saying that what we make happen for others, God will make happen for us.  "After Job had interceded for his friends, GOD restored his fortune--and then doubled it!" (Job.42.10 ) The Lord restored and gave Job double after he prayed for his friends.  "Then Abraham prayed to God and God healed Abimelech, his wife and his maidservants, and they started having babies again. For GOD had shut down every womb in Abimelech's household on account of Sarah, Abraham's wife."(Gen.20.17-18) Abraham and Sarah had no children of their own but as soon as they prayed to God for Abimelech, God healed Abimelech and his wife and even his servants and they began having Children. What you make happen for other God will make happen for you.  It was after their prayers for Abi...


Assumption  "Abrhaham said, "I just assumed that there was no fear of God in this place and that they'd kill me to get my wife." (Gen.20.11) Assumption is said to be the lowest form of knowledge. When we assume we leave room for a large margin of error. Abraham assumed that there was no fear of God in that place. And based on his assumption he concluded that his wife would be taken from him. And as a result, he lied.  What decisions are you making right now based on assume?  Assumption has broken many homes. The wife assume the husband is cheating and the husband assume his wife is lying. And because of these assumptions, everything we see or hear begin to support our positions. Assumption colours our mind that we begin to see things from that perspective. It's like water taking the colour of its container.  Assumption almost caused Judah his destiny. He almost lost his sign of authority - his signet for awhile.  "Judah saw her and assumed she was a prostitu...

Dead man walking

Dead man walking  "But God came to Abimelech in a dream that night and told him, "You're as good as dead--that woman you took, she's a married woman." (Gen.20. 3) The Bible speaks of three kinds of death. Spiritual death - separation from God, physical death - separation from the body and then the second death - eternal damnation.  In Genesis when God told Adam he was going to die if he ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, that was spiritual death. When Adam ate, he became spiritually separated from God. But physical death did not come until 930 years later.  "Adam lived a total of 930 years. And he died."(Gen. 5.5) In our text Abraham, the father of faith had lied about his wife being his sister. And Abimelech King of Gerar had taken her with the intention of marrying her but God appeared to Abimelech in the night and says to him, "You're as good as dead--that woman you took, she's a married woman." This show us that s...


Environment  "The next morning the older said to the younger, "Last night I slept with my father. Tonight, it's your turn. We'll get him drunk again and then you sleep with him. We'll both get a child through our father and keep our family alive." (Gen.19.34)  There are so much debate about nature and nurture, about innate and acquired or learned abilities and whether leaders are born or made. We've not seen the last of it yet. But If you've lived long enough, you'd probably agree that both side of the divide  have some merits.  I wonder under what environment these girls were raised-in, that made it okay for them to think-up such thoughts. Lot lived in Sodom where, to practice such atrocities, made it okay to want to rape angels in broad day light. The Bible say all the men of the city wanted to sleep with the visiting angels.  "Before they went to bed men from all over the city of Sodom, young and old, descended on the house from all sides ...

The lies we tell ourselves

The lies we tell ourselves  "The elder said to the younger, Our father is aging, and there is not a man on earth to live with us in the customary way. (Gen.19.31 AMP).   There are so many lies out there. Some sound so much like the truth but are not the truth. The most dangerous of them all are the lies we tell ourselves. Things we say to ourselves to justify our actions and our positions. We sometime even quote scriptures to support those positions but we must always remember that no scripture is subject to personal interpretation. That is to say we do not bend the scriptures to suit us rather we bend to ourselves to align with the scriptures.  "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. (2Pet.1.20 KJV) Lot's children were not any different. The Bible tells us that they were virgins. The devil sold them on a lie that they would not be able to find any other man in all the earth with whom they can raise up children. So the...