
Showing posts from October, 2024

Dig again

Dig again  "One day, as Isaac's servants were digging in the valley, they came on a well of spring water. The shepherds of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's shepherds, claiming, "This water is ours." So Isaac named the well Esek (Quarrel) because they quarreled over it. They dug another well and there was a difference over that one also, so he named it Sitnah (Accusation). He went on from there and dug yet another well. But there was no fighting over this one so he named it Rehoboth (Wide-Open Spaces), saying, "Now GOD has given us plenty of space to spread out in the land." (Gen.26.19-22) One reason most people are still where they have been is because they stopped short of what could have been possible. They refused to push ahead because they experienced a setback. Setbacks are set up for a comeback  The story of Isaac illustrates this for us. He dug a well and found water but that was taken from him, he dug another one that was also taken from him, until

Isaac planted in that land

Isaac planted in that land  "Isaac planted crops in that land and took in a huge harvest. GOD blessed him. The man got richer and richer by the day until he was very wealthy. He accumulated flocks and herds and many, many servants, so much so that the Philistines began to envy him. (Gen.26.12-14)  Isaac lived in an agrarian society so planting was not unusual. But what was unusual is the fact that there was famine in the land so whatever was planted  did not have a chance at growing to the point of harvest.  It is instructive to learn that he planted crops in obedience to God's instructions. So it was a time when nothing seem to work. The economy wasn't working, yet he planted . And it was that obedience that God blessed. In this day and age, it does not matter what job you do, if it is in obedience to God's instructions to you, you too will reap an harvest.  God's instruction plus your obedience equal God's blessings. But you must plant  even when the time and

You don't value what you have until you lose it

You don't value what you have until you lose it "Jacob gave him bread and the stew of lentils. He ate and drank, got up and left. That's how Esau shrugged off his rights as the firstborn." [Gen.25.34] That is how Esau shrugged off his right as the firstborn. He disdain his right as the first born and sold same for a plate of food. As firstborn he was entitled to a double portion of all his father Isaac had. But he gave all up that for a brief moment  appetite.  Moses tell us in the Deuteronomy that even if the first born is from a wife that is hated, as long as he is the first born he gets a double portion.  "But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated for the firstborn, by giving him a double portion of all that he hath: for he is the beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn is his. (Deut.21.17)  This same right was what Esau shrugged off, with so much disdain, he would later sought it with cry of bitter tears but will not get it back.  "And

Birthright for sale

Birth rights for sale  "One day Jacob was cooking a stew. Esau came in from the field, starved. Esau said to Jacob, "Give me some of that red stew--I'm starved!" That's how he came to be called Edom (Red). Jacob said, "Make me a trade: my stew for your rights as the firstborn." Esau said, "I'm starving! What good is a birthright if I'm dead?" Jacob said, "First, swear to me." And he did it. On oath Esau traded away his rights as the firstborn." (Gen.25.29-33).  Life has taught us to trade what we have for what we want or need. And this is basic economics but the story of how Esau lost his birthright is a lesson we should not forget in a hurry. It tells us that we do not value what we have, until we have lose it.  Esau had his birthright and that entitles him to a double portion of the inheritance from his father. But he was willing to trade a long term advantage for a short pleasure. He wanted a quick fix over a permanen

A praying husband and a praying wife

A prayng husband and a praying wife  "Isaac prayed hard to GOD for his wife because she was barren. GOD answered his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant. But the children tumbled and kicked inside her so much that she said, "If this is the way it's going to be, why go on living?" She went to GOD to find out what was going on." (Gen.25.21-22) Prayer is an avenue through which humanity can partake in divine activity. When we pray, we not only communicate with God, but also share in exacting and implement the council of our God. Prayer is a vital success factor for the believer.  Our text says that Rebekah was barren and isaac prayed hard for his wife. I wonder how further along we will go if the husbands learn to pray for their wives. The text says he prayed hard for his wife. The hardness of prayer is not dependent on how loud or quiet we sound but how accurate our stance is in relation to the word of God. This would make Isaac a praying husband. Are you a praying

Abraham died happy

Abraham died happy  "Then he took his final breath. He died happy at a ripe old age, full of years, and was buried with his family." (Gen.25.8)  Does it really matter, one way or another, how a person dies? For the dead, it is not painful but it is for the living. When a person dies, the person feels nothing anymore in this world. The Bible however takes the time and space to announce to us that Abraham died happy.  This means it is important. It smacks of all the things we seek. He died happy, at a ripe old age, full of years. He died happy meaning he was fulfilled. He died empty - haven done all that was committed into his hands. He died fulfilling God's agenda for his life. Nothing brings more joy and happiness than knowing you're doing what you were created to do.  At a ripe old age, full of years. Abraham packed so much into his life. He had so much going for him. Do not give up on life. It is a proven, recorded fact that old people who stay engaged and productiv

Marry again

Marry again  "Now Abraham married again. Keturah was his new wife, (Gen.25.1 NLT) Starting all over takes an amount of courage not possessed by most people. For some, it is easier to just capitulate to the pain, the loss and endure the pain. When in fact, this can rob you of the much need joy of starting something new. There is something about the breath of fresh air, the cry of a new born baby, the wedding bells of a new couple. You can marry again.  This is especially for those who loss their spouse like Abraham did. He could have said he was old, and there was no point to it. But instead, the one whom God referred to as His friend married again. There are several advantages to this. It kept Abraham active and this prolonged his life. He now has something new to look forward to, a companion to share fellowship with and one to meet his needs as a man. And this union produced five more children - I see these as five more possibilities.  "She gave birth to Zimran, Jokshan, Med

Don't just visit, stay

Don't just visit, stay  "Isaac was living in the Negev. He had just come back from a visit to Beer Lahai Roi." (Gen.24.62)  If God was physically present here on earth some people would've been too busy to visit with him. We do not go to church to meet with God but to meet with ourselves. We go to church to not forsake the assembly of ourselves together as Hebrews instructed.(see Hebs.10.25) God dwells inside of us yet some of us do not have fellowship with him. We have a relationship but no fellowship. Relationship plus fellowship will bring about intimacy.  Isaac used to visit "Beer Lahai Roi", our text says that. Beer Lahai Roi means the Well of the Living One Who sees me. Another way you could interprete that would be the God of the spring of water. And if we say water means life, then we could say the God of the spring of life. Isaac used to visit this place when Abraham was alive but when Abraham died, Isaac moved to live there.  "After the death

There's reward for hard work

There's reward for hard work  "The man watched, silent. Was this GOD's answer? Had GOD made his trip a success or not? When the camels had finished drinking, the man brought out gifts, a gold nose ring weighing a little over a quarter of an ounce and two arm bracelets weighing about four ounces, and gave them to her."(Gen.24.21 - 22) Hard work has never been known to kill anyone. A lot of people have replaced hard work with laziness all in the name of smart work and they wonder why they are not further ahead in life. Hard work without the blessing of God is futile and without hard work, we forfeit the reward  The servants in our text says God has made this trip a success.  We know that the servant of Abraham who went to get a wife for Isaac, took ten camels.      "The servant took ten of his master's camels and, loaded with gifts from his master, traveled to Aram Naharaim and the city of Nahor." (Gen.24.10)  And camels are said to drink up to 30 gallons

Be more, do more

Be more, do more "The servant ran to meet her and said, "Please, can I have a sip of water from your jug?" She said, "Certainly, drink!" And she held the jug so that he could drink. When he had satisfied his thirst she said, "I'll get water for your camels, too, until they've drunk their fill." She promptly emptied her jug into the trough and ran back to the well to fill it, and she kept at it until she had watered all the camels." (Gen.24.17 - 20) The only thing that qualifies you for more, is that you have become more. If you are today what you were yesterday then you are not ready for a better tomorrow. Except you improve yourself, you cannot get more.  You can't do more except your are first more and you can't get more except you have become more. The story of Rebecca illustrates this very well. The servant of Abraham asked for a sip but she gave him a drink until he was satisfied and then offered to get water also for the car