Be careful what you ask for
Be careful what you ask for "And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters. (Gen.19.30 KJV) Nobody likes being told what to do. Is this because of the innate leadership capacity in us? Or just plane ego? We want to be in charge, be the one who gives the order and Lot wasn't any different. The angels had instructed him and his family to escape to the mountains but Lot will not hear of it. He gave every reason why escaping to the mountains was a bad idea and asked that he goes to the little town of Zoar and then gave numerous reason why it was a good idea. "When they had them outside, Lot was told, "Now run for your life! Don't look back! Don't stop anywhere on the plain--run for the hills or you'll be swept away." But Lot protested, "No, masters, you can't mean it! Look over there--that town is close enough to get to. ...